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  • 2015~现在 国际战略家联盟主任

  • 2015年度 由于勤奋贡献社会 成为美国奥巴马总统发给的“美国志愿者贡献奖”获得者

  • 2013~现在: 联合国战略智库基金会主席,

  • 2012年度 “联合国世界和平奖”获得者。三次受到联合国秘书长潘基文接见

  • 2012年 美国政府及移民局评选的第一类优先杰人才移民。获得美国移民权居住在纽约长岛

  • 2011~2013哥伦比亚大学东亚研究所访问学者 兼世界经济发展趋势专业研究员,曾经和诺贝尔奖获得者罗伯特蒙代尔一起研究货币政策。2014年获得美国前总统比尔克林顿亲切接见。

  • 2005.3~2008 .8中国政法大学政治与公共管理学院经济法博士。 重点擅长各种兵法的研究 可以背颂《孙子兵法》

  • 2005.7-2007.3: 创立国信集团股份有限公司,后组成集团公司,成功经营多项业务

  • 2007年 获得《中国青年》杂誌封面人物。这是一本团中央的著名杂誌

  • 2004年、在中国北京人民大会堂获得“中国十大杰出策划专家”奖。

  • 1997.8-2003.1: 中国国家信息产业部电子信息中心,负责名录办公室

  • 1996~1998 对外经济贸易大学 MBA研究生。重点研究孙子兵法与商业。

  • 1995年组建《中国企业名录总集》数据库 ,并且拥有多项专利权

  • 1995~2012 曾经有六个杂誌做为封面人物报道赵云龙


  • 1993.6-8~1997.8: 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所世界经济调研 负责人

  • 1989-1991年 中国地质大学 地质经济管理系

  • 1986~1988年 内蒙古教育学院中文系


1、《电话营销总论》1995年 国际电信出版集团

2、《云龙诗词哲理》2000年 中国改革出版社


4、 《和则互利共赢,战则两败具伤的中日关系,》 2011年名家出版社。

五、《孙子兵法与当代国际战略》 2013年 世界艺术中心出版社


七、《货币统一论》2015年 中国水利出版社


1995年成立北京国信名录信息咨询服务有限公司。 十年内 创办投资五家经经济效益增长快利润高的企业:有国信集团有限公司(香港)、陕西华信集团有限公司,北京好信息电了商务有限公司、内蒙古鄂尔多斯国信科技园。北京华龙有限公司。商业上取得较大的经济效益,是中国资产超过亿的富翁。被多家媒体报道为“学者型商人”

四、热爱慈善公益事业:,A.多年的捐赠。曾经担任北京市慈善协会副会长,协助中国西部贫困地区建立多所电子图书馆。B.拿出自已的资金在中国民主同盟中央委员会 设立“云龙科技奖励基金” 奖励为中国科技做出突出贡献者。 C、投资七百多万元进行内蒙古沙漠治理,保护环境,

五、热衷于公益的联合国事业。2012~2017投资一百多万美元 用于联合国举办的多项研究。用于世界经济政治趋势研究 并且在哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学讲授孙子兵法在现代的运用。 2012年 连续五个月 在纽约皇后区法拉盛的图书馆 讲授孙子兵法。

六、以普世价值做为人生标准。周游世界一百多个国家考察政策与经济。 博学多闻。广交朋友于世界各地。广布善缘。 在中国2008年度中国企业家评价中:被选为“中国百佳诚信人物”。即一百位诚信人物之一 报纸、杂誌、电视都进行了报道。2014年起在联合国的办公室做专家访谈。结交多位知名人士。 广交天下英雄豪杰,成为赵云龙人生的工作之一。

Travel millions of miles, read a thousands volumes of books, read countless people. This is the growth path of strategists, but also Mr. Zhao Yunlong's life creed. A keen reader and traveler, he was arranged by fate to study geology and geography at the China University of Geology. As he worked, he studied the landscapes of mountains and rivers around the world, traveled to seven continents, to many countries, and even to the sparsely populated North and South Poles. He has a passion for military strategy, reading a collection of Chinese and foreign military books, including Sun Tzu's Military Law, The Seven Books of the Martial Arts, Krausewitz's Theory of War and the theory of brzejinsky, a contemporary American strategist, and so on. In particular, he like to combine the theory of military law, study the success or failure of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign political and historical figures, unique, quite a good idea.  


Mr. Zhao Yunlong was responsible for world economic research at the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the 1990s and also worked for the Ministry of Information Industry of China. Later after that, he managed to have a number of enterprises integrated into the Guoxin Group and as chairman, the economic benefits of the enterprise is good, at that time has hundreds of millions of RMB of assets, he himself became the cover figure of a number of magazines. He has great ambition, for the future self development, determined to study abroad, was admitted to Columbia University. Since 2010, he had been working as a professional at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of Columbia. He joined United Nations Headquarters in 2012 as Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the International Information Development Organization. Immigrated to the United States in 2012 because of special talent.  

Mr. Zhao Yunlong is passionate about the analysis and research of world political and economic trends and has invested more than 1 million US dollars in a number of studies on the political landscape organized by the United Nations. Over the years, he has met many politicians and scholars, he has visited former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other famous people. Several interviews with Dr. Kissinger, a U.S. strategist (former U.S. Secretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize winner). The friendship with Mr. Mondale, the Nobel laureate in economics, was guided by his guidance and fostered a rigorous attitude towards discipline.


These experiences greatly enriched his erudite and broad ideological wisdom, and the differences in political, economic and cultural culture of various countries gave him a deeper understanding of the globalization of the economy and society. During this period,he published several books: < sun tzu's military law in the contemporary use>,< "2012-2022 in the next decade of political and economic trends analysis">, <"the sino-japanese relations of mutual benefit and win-win war is both defeated">, poetry collection "Dragon World" and so on, especially under the guidance of Columbia University professor Robert Mondale, put forward the United States euro to the unified dominant world currency "currency unification theory", in the economic field has a positive impact. Zhao Yunlong served as Director of the Expert Committee of the Asia-Pacific Association of Columbia University. He has taught Sun Tzu's military law and international strategy at Harvard University, Columbia University, Andre University, etc.


Mr. Zhao Yunlong is enthusiastic about public welfare and was awarded the President's Award of President Barack Obama in 2015 for volunteer contribution. He became a member of President Donald Trump's Advisory Council in 2018. He is a member of the World Masonic.  

Mr. Zhao Yunlong spent two decades on a round-the-world tour to explore and experience the political, economic and cultural history and culture of various countries. He has traveled with Wang Shi and Feng Lun to Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Kenya with the University of North-East Gold, to Kenya with the French billionaire, to the Shahara Desert and Morocco in North Africa, to zhou Lin with the famous inventor Zhou Lin Spectrum Analyzer in the South Continent, and with Professor Sun Jiang of Northwest University of Political Science and Law to Cuba, the Dominican Republic and so on, with footprints in 96 countries on seven continents (2000-2020). He has taken more than 300,000 photos and thousands of videos, the essence of its, published "Cloud Dragon Travel world", to commemorate.

PhD.YunLong Zhao

866 United NationsPlaza

Room 406

New York,NY ,10017


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